
I took my time
Building them up
I thought they’d keep
Me safe from harm
but now I’ve found
That I’m a prisoner
Too afraid
To leave my town

Every heart ache added to the mixture
Every disappointment reinforced the walls
What am I to do?
How can I get out?
Is there anyone there
Who can hear my shout?

I wallowed in the dark
Fearful of the light
I imprisoned my heart
To protect it from hurt
I locked myself
In a cage to prevent
Feeling anything
Anything at all

But my heart hopes for a safe place to be
It knows this prison isn’t good for me
Where do I turn to?
I’ve thrown away the key!
There must be someone out there
Who can hear my plea!

Jesus heard me that night
He knew my misery
He sent His soldiers
To scout out my place
They prepared the way
For Him to walk through
He found my prison
And broke right in

His light was brilliant
His love was genuine
He spoke to the prison
It flew open at His command
He unlocked my heart
And set me free

The walls are crashing down
The walls are crashing down
The walls are crashing down
I’m forever free
I’m forever Yours


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